Monday, September 30, 2019

Adults with Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental disorders in the adult stage. Anyone can develop anxiety and depression but its not something to worry about since both can be cured with medication or therapy. It may be caused by different factors and adults more often experience this mental condition.Anxiety and depression are two conditions that should be addressed immediately because it affects people's social life and other life processes. There have also been documented cases that adult who suffered from these commits suicide. This paper discusses the meaning of anxiety and depression among adults and at the same time describe how to get medical treatment before something worse happens.Defining Anxietyâ€Å"Anxiety, in the simplest sense is defined as a form of response or reaction† (Callanan, 1992, p.50). It is one state of emotion wherein individuals tends to feel lesser or more anxious toward a particular event in their life (Callanan, 1992, p.50). Anxiety can be seen as an extreme state of shyness indicated by blushing.Shame occurs when one sees himself as being responsible for negative outcomes or for failing in public. Anxiety is also characterized by a discomfort when performing in front of an audience (stage fright) which can lead to an inhibition of speech.This is one good way to test anxiety because the individual is afraid of being under the scrutiny of others. Both kinds of apprehension in face of tests and interactions share this aspect of evaluation anxiety. The state of anxiety refers to the acute feeling in the process of emotional experiencing.The trait of anxiety refers to a proneness to respond with state anxiety in threatening situations. It can also be defined as excessive worrying which involves fearful reaction (Callanan, 1992, p.50).Although the aforementioned statements cited negativity about the definition of anxiety, Margie Callanan on her book entitled â€Å"Anxiety. In Adult Psychological Problem† (1992) s tated that anxiety is also vital for adult's life survival (Callanan , 1992, p.50).â€Å"It also seems to be a feature of being successful since classic laboratory studies shows that people with moderate levels of anxiety leads them to optimizing task performance and that too much little of anxiety leads to worse performance† (Callanan , 1992, p.50).Defining DepressionDepression is not merely feeling lonely or down. Feeling lonely at times is normal for any person but when this mood persists for weeks or even months, this is no longer a simple case of loneliness. The person experiencing this is under a depressed state (Yip and Lee, 2003, pp.5-11). Depression is a common illness but is also severe.Many people fail to get treatment for this kind of disorder but with proper consultation and treatment, even the worst cases of depression can be cured. Depression in its own meaning is not life threatening but it could have drastic effects on the patient's life as well as the lives of the people around him (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 157).There are different types of depression but the most common are major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 7). Other forms of depression are psychotic depression, postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and bipolar disorder (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 19).Describing Adults who experiences Anxiety and DepressionCauses/OriginsNo matter what aspects caused the anxious or depressive state among adults, it is no mere state if mind and it may be traced to some physical changes as a person ages because the brain as undergoes an imbalance of neurotransmitters, which is known as the chemical that carries from in the brain and in the nerves (Goroll,, 2003, p. 807).Trauma and stress from financial problems, failed relationships, the death of someone dear, and other extreme life changes are factors that could result in either anxiety or depression. Pessimistic people are also more prone to thes e (Goroll,, 2003, pp.50-58).Other medical conditions such as heart ailments, obesity, HIV and cancer may also lead to anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, pp.49-54). It may also worsen some medical conditions since it weakens the immune system. Some medications may also constitute depression. Moreover, other psychological disorders like schizophrenia for example have been noted to accompany anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, p.79).DiagnosisMagnetic Resonance Technology (MRI) indicates that the brains of depressed people look different from the brain of normal people (Goroll,, 2003, p.300). The area of the brain that is responsible for mood and behavior do not function normally for adult people with anxiety and depression.Talking to the patient is the best step in the diagnosis of anxiety and depression. The doctor should try to find out if symptoms have began to manifest to figure out if there is anxiety and depression and what stage has been reache d.The symptoms could last for the adult's remaining years and may inevitably affect his/her personality and work habits, in which case, other people could lose empathy for the patient. Depression also causes other various changes in behavior (Goroll,, 2003).TreatmentTreatment is never a problem for anxiety and depression patients since even the most extreme cases can be cured. One other disease has been ruled out, and the doctor is certain that the patient is suffering from anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, p. 109).Adult patients who experiences anxious and depressing conditions are usually given prescriptions for countering the said feelings. There are anti-depressants made in order to normalize the secretion of brain chemicals such as neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine (Goroll,, 2003, p.49).These chemicals aid in regulating the mood of a person and as previously stated, neurotransmitters are secreted in abnormal levels under depression. Thus, normalizing the secretion of this chemical will help the patient recover from depression. These anti-depressants may however have side effects such as headache, nausea, insomnia and nervousness, agitation and sexual problems.Psychotherapy or â€Å"talk therapy† is also another form of treatment for adult anxiety and depression. Cognitive behavioral-therapy and interpersonal theraphy are two forms of psychotherapy that have been proven to work for adult who has anxiety and depression. These kinds of therapy may, however, only be effective for mild to moderate cases of adult anxiety and depression. More severe cases might call for both anti-depressants and psychotherapy (Callanan, 1992, pp.24-42).   If anti-depressants and psychotherapy do not work, electro convulsive therapy, also know as shock therapy is another treatment option. Shock therapy has gained a negative reputation in the past but it has been proven to provide relief for patients that have severe depression (Cal lanan, 1992, p42).Herbal remedies such have been used by some people for some time but research indicated that it is not effective in the treatment of depression. Other research indicated that the plant has components that produce unfavorable reactions with other medications (Goroll,, 2003, p.641).ConclusionAnxiety and Depression are common mental disorders and yet, many fail to get treatment for it because it often goes undiagnosed. Adult people and their family should be aware that anxiety and depression should be taken seriously and whenever the symptoms occur, professional help should always be sought.The two can easily be cured so enduring it should never be an option since it does not affect only adults, but also the people around them.References:Callanan, M. (1992). Anxiety. In Adult Psychological Problems. Champion, L.A., & Power,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   M.J. (Eds). New York: Routledge.Goroll, A.H., Mulley, A.G., & Mulley, A. Jr. (Eds). (2006). Primary Care Medicine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Amsterdam: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Yip, P.S., & Lee, D.T. (2003). Depression Among Elderly and Postpartum Women. In   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Depressive Disorders. Maj, M. & Sartorious, N. (Eds). New Jersey: John Wiley and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sons.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Calvin’s Ideas About the Church Organisation Essay

There are many factors which are important to examine in determining the main reason for the success of the Genevan Reformation, for example Calvin’s ideas about the Church organisation and Calvin’s leadership and personal impact, the previous exposure of Geneva to Protestantism and Calvin’s ability to overcome his opponents. Calvin himself placed a strong emphasis on The Ecclesiastical Ordinances, differing from Luther who left organization to the Princes. As it was vital to him, in 1541 Calvin drafted an ecclesiastical constitution for Geneva which should be accepted in return for him taking on responsibility for the spiritual welfare of the city. With some modifications it was approved by the political authorities and set in place a Calvinist Church order. Calvin believed there must be a strict structure to preach the Word and it consisted of four orders of ministers: Pastors to teach, preach, administer the Word and publicly and privately ‘admonish’ people’s conduct, Doctors to teach true doctrines and act as teachers in schools, Deacons to care for the poor, needy and sick who were chosen by the Little Council and finally the Elders who were to ‘supervise every person’s conduct and to warn backsliders and those of a disorderly life’; 12 lay people from different parts of the city. Those who failed to comply with Calvin’s strict standards could be punished by the Calvinist court. The Consistories were independent of civil courts and secular authorities. It was hard to argue with this model as it was based on the scriptures and was widely copied. After 1555 his authority was unchallenged and the Little Council even adopted practices of the Grabeau. The Ordinances indoctrinated children in a sense; soon there was a generation who knew nothing but his teachings. However, this links to the previous exposure of Geneva to Protestantism, as Calvin offered an appealing solution in a time of religious crisis in the country. There were a small number of Genevan Reformers in the 1520s such as Farel and Viret. Both Lutheran and Zwinglian reformations were making great progress and the city of Berne had also carried out a reformation in 1528. Despite this, the Council could not make a decision and churches were ransacked, masses suspended and the cathedral clergy lef t. Three months later there was a feeling of apathy as to what would replace the broken Catholic Church. Calvin came to Geneva offereing a truly reformed faith that was well ordered and supported authority. This appealed to many and he offered an alternative to Lutheranism which he felt had not ‘gone far enough’. This links to the next point, as Calvin himself was key in asserting authority through fear and his own charisma in order to gain support, for example as he was cunningly able to use the current situation in Geneva to manipulate the Council into seeing his ideas as desirable and accepting many of his radical proposals. In many ways Calvin should have been a poor leader; he was an intense scholar and mostly in poor health but he inspired admiration rather than affection. Calvin himself is quoted to have said that the citizens of Berne ‘have always feared rather than loved me’. His single-minded, totally focused approach partly explains his success- also as a theologian and debater many suggested there was no equal. Finally, this links into the next factor that Calvin’s opposition was suppressed, so in most aspects there was no equal contestant, although it was a 14-year struggle. Calvin experienced both religious and political/social opposition. In 1542 Sebastian Castellio who was appointed as head of the Genevan college by Calvin claimed that a book in the Old Testament was in fact an erotic poem which should not be included in the scriptures; which Calvin felt this was an attack on. Castellio left Geneva and was expelled on his return by the Syndic due to Calvin’s convincing. The Michael Servitus affair is also a strong example of Calvin’s effective suppression of religious opposition. He was a Spanish theologian who adopted extreme views and became offended when others did not accept them, eg. he condemned infant baptism and the Doctrine of the Trinity. He was suspected of heresy so went undercover in Vienna where he wrote a book and sent a copy to Calvin. Calvin recognized his work and sent authorities to where he was, but he escaped. Although he later turned up to one of Calvin’s sermons and was then burned at the stake. Diarmaid MacCulloch claims that many people opposed Calvin because they disagreed with his simple laws against e.g. dancing and singing. Some opposition was on the basic principle of who was in charge, the civil government was run by aristocrats and the Church by highly educated French elite so battles were always over who would decide punishments for wrongdoers. The Libertines were constantly called before the Consistory for bad conduct eg. dancing, making obscene gestures and gambling etc. Perrin was part of the Syndic however when he began to complain and demand more power, therefore Syndics began to support Calvin against him. The Libertines were removed from all Genevan councils and fled or were tortured/executed. To conclude, I think that a number of factors were important in the success of the Genevan Reformation, and Calvin’s presence underpins all of them. Although Calvin has been accused of a ruthless approach I believe that his success in suppressing opposition was vital the Reformation as it disallowed powerful opposition from crushing Genevan efforts. I then think that the structure of the Church under Calvin was the next important as many found it hard to fault this approach and it became widely used. Calvin personally was important in the Reformation as it was key that he was able to appeal to or incite fear in people in order to achieve his aims, but this ties in with his ability to suppress opposition. Lastly then, although I found the situation in Geneva and its exposure to Protestant ideas again vital, there were many key factors and it would be wrong to suggest that none played any role in the spread and success of Protestantism in Geneva.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Introduction of the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program

Recent corporate failures have raised concerns about the unity of accounting information provided to investors and the independency of hearers ( Cohen et al. , 2007 ) . The major corporate prostrations such as Enron, WorldCom and HIH Insurance have sparked important force per unit area on direction, hearers, managers, the accounting profession and authoritiess ‘ inadvertence function to reexamine the issue of concern moralss and hearer independency ( Ahmed et al. , 2006 ) . These failures have led to regulative reforms in Australia with the debut of the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program ( Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure ) Act known as CLERP 9 to advance transparence, answerability and hearer independency ( Cooper & A ; Deo, 2005 ) . The literature has shown that net incomes direction is consistently related to the strength of the corporate administration environment and terrible use of net incomes are by and large associated with loose administration ( Bhat et al. , 2006 ) . Reforms by CLERP 9 have changed corporate administration enforcement through compulsory independency demands for hearers, the strengthening of the uninterrupted revelation government and a alteration in enforcement powers of ASIC through the extension of the civil punishment government to persons who are ‘involved ‘ in the breach of uninterrupted revelation proviso with an increased mulct from $ 200,000 to $ 1million. The execution of increased independency demands for hearers and strengthening of the uninterrupted revelation government will motivate direction of houses to move more diligently and with due attention in regard to stockholders ‘ involvements when describing fiscal affairs ( Robinson, 2003 ) . This research reappraisal investigates the association between increasing hearer independency proposed by CLERP 9 and net incomes direction by houses in Australia. It investigates this association by analyzing two groups of listed entities, utilizing a pre/post research design covering the fiscal old ages 2003-2006. The first group of listed entities comprises of houses in the ASX 100, which are referred to in this research reappraisal as ‘compliant ‘ houses, while the 2nd group consists of houses in the ASX Small Ordinaries Index referred to as 'emerging ‘ houses. The two groups are selected as they are likely to act in different ways based on their features including size, media coverage, analyst followers, size of retentions by institutional investors and grade of examination by regulative organic structures.1.1 Research QuestionThe chief research inquiry is: â€Å" Has hearer independency imposed by CLERP 9 reduced net incomes direction of Australian houses? â €  This will be tested analyzing the difference in accumulations behaviour of Australian houses during the pre-CLERP 9 and post-CLERP 9 periods. The research inquiry is to be tested utilizing year-by-year cross-sectional and pooled arrested developments of the theoretical account developed based on anterior literature and theory. The modified Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account steps net incomes direction as the theoretical account has a high grade of credence within the net incomes direction literature. The cross-sectional and pooled arrested development theoretical accounts are designed jointly to prove the association between net incomes direction and corporate administration enforced by CLERP 9, measured by hearer independency. The arrested development theoretical account besides controls for factors that might hold an impact in the trials such as house size, CEO alterations, Big-4 hearers and big shareholding.1.2 MotivationIn a recent commentary, Justice Owen emphasized the i mportance of the audit map for the capital market as a whole and the trust placed on the audit map by users of fiscal statements ( Robinson, 2003 ) . Justice Owen made several recommendations aimed at heightening the audit map, including the appropriate criterion of independency, the proviso of non-audit services and the relationship between hearers and their clients. The series of corporate dirts in 2000-2002 scoured trust in fiscal studies and in hearers. One of the aims of CLERP 9 is to beef up independency in hearers and to reconstruct unity of fiscal studies by controling net incomes direction and accounting fraud. Therefore, the extent of net incomes direction prior to CLERP 9 and the consequence of the CLERP 9 â€Å" event † on net incomes direction is an of import research subject. Therefore, the primary motive of this research study is to analyze the alteration in net incomes direction in the period taking to CLERP 9 compared to after CLERP 9. This research is motiva ted by the desire to understand the consequence of corporate administration enforcement by CLERP 9 on net incomes direction in Australian houses. The secondary motive is to analyze whether reforms by CLERP 9 to turn to hearer independency have weakened the hearer ‘s economic bond with the client, therefore take downing net incomes direction. There are significant sums of research in the audit literature that suggest that audit efficiencies are gained from cognition spillovers when non-audit services are jointly provided with an audit and therefore, it becomes in the best involvements of audit companies to supply both audit and non-audit services to their clients ( Solomon, 1990 ) . CLERP 9 has been introduced to command the proviso of non-audit services and heighten the unity of fiscal studies. Consequently, this research examines the relation between hearer independency and net incomes direction in the period integrating the debut of CLERP 9 in an event survey attack.1.3 ContributionThe most important part of this research is in look intoing the effects of CLERP 9 reforms on net incomes direction in â€Å" compliant â €  and â€Å" emerging † houses. The impact of CLERP 9 on emerging houses is of import to analyze every bit good since in a recent article published in Alan Kohler ‘s Eureka Report, fiscal instruction adviser, Scott Francis analyzed the recent public presentation of the little cap section of the Australian portion market and stated that the recent returns have been strong with the ASX Small Ordinaries Index surpassing the ASX 100 by 18 % in 2009. However, the Small Ordinaries Index underperformed the ASX 100 by 16 % in 2008 ( Francis, 2009 ) . This shows the intense competition between the two indices and besides shows the possible growing of the emerging houses in the Small Caps Index. In order to keep strong growing rates and get more capital in the market, these houses are besides likely to prosecute in net incomes direction. Therefore, this research will supply grounds associating to the efficaciousness of CLERP 9 reforms in turn toing hearer independency and whether increasing hearer independency constrains net incomes direction in these houses. By analyzing two different groups of houses, this survey will supply an penetration into net incomes direction of these houses in the period prior to CLERP 9 and the period after CLERP 9. This survey besides contributes to bing literature on hearer independency, by supplying grounds in whether hearer independency constrains net incomes direction patterns in compliant and emerging Australian houses. The survey besides provides an penetration into whether emerging houses react otherwise to compliant houses in footings of net incomes direction, during the survey periods before and after the passage of CLERP 9. Regulatory reforms from CLERP 9 have different deductions for different types of houses and through comparing of emerging houses with ailment houses, it is expected that net incomes direction has declined significantly for some group of houses, whilst others have continued in pull offing net incomes. As mentioned earlier, both the groups have different external factors impacting them, hence it will be interesting to analyze the reaction of both groups after the passage of CLERP 9.2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Net incomes ManagementNet incomes direction has assorted definitions normally classified as white, grey, or black. â€Å" Beneficial † ( white ) net incomes direction enhances the information value of studies by conveying private information ; the â€Å" baneful â₠¬  ( black ) involves straight-out deceit and fraud ; the â€Å" impersonal † grey is use of studies within the boundaries of conformity with bright-line criterions, which could be either timeserving or efficiency enhancing ( Yonen & A ; Yaari, 2007 ) . The footings â€Å" private addition † ( Schipper, 1989 ) , â€Å" mislead † ( Healy & A ; Wahlen, 1999 ) stress the timeserving feature of net incomes direction and prevent the possibility that net incomes direction can heighten the information content of reported net incomes. Scott ( 1997 ) and Mulford & A ; Comiskey ( 2002 ) suggest the possibility that net incomes direction can happen for signaling intents every bit good. The deduction of their definition is that reported net incomes can be enlightening for users if the direction pick of accounting policies or estimations is perceived to be believable signals of a house ‘s implicit in public presentation. To understand net incomes direction better, the difference between net incomes direction and accounting fraud needs to be distinguished. Academic literature normally defines direction discretions which fall within Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ( GAAP ) as net incomes direction, whereas the Security Exchange Commission ( SEC ) extends its analyzing standards of net incomes direction to outright deceitful accounting ( Yonen & A ; Yaari, 2007 ) . The reading that net incomes direction can happen within the GAAP is consistent between academe and regulator, but whether fraud constitutes net incomes direction is equivocal in academic definitions. Brown ( 1999 ) argues that the difference between net incomes direction and deceitful coverage is frequently really narrow and ill-defined. Net incomes direction incorporates a prejudice and use of just value of reported net incomes, hence regulators frequently view it as bad and therefore be given to sort it as fraud. However, there is a clear differentiation between fraud and net incomes direction depending on the managerial purpose to deceive investors. Any presentation of reported net incomes which deviates from the just net incomes of the house but falls into the boundary of fraud can be defined as net incomes direction.2.2 Two cardinal conditions of Earnings ManagementThere is no substantial function for fiscal revelations within perfect and efficient markets since fiscal statements are wholly relevant and dependable and hence, directors and users of fiscal statements would hold no struggle over accounting judgements excluding the range for accounting use ( Watts & A ; Zimmerma n, 1979 ) . Unfortunately, in our universe of progressive and uncomplete markets, the ideal status does non ever prevail. Two types of market imperfectnesss exist as a consequence:2.2.1 Information AsymmetryThe two rules of fiscal describing – relevancy and dependability, straight reflects the function of accounting information and are aimed to decide the cardinal job of information dissymmetry. The released information is relevant information with regard to the house ‘s future chances, and is dependable information free of managerial use. Where fiscal revelation and judgements ab initio are aimed to cut down the information dissymmetry between directors and foreigners, it has been progressively argued that director ‘s ability in exerting discretion is likely to enforce costs on the users of accounting information. Dye ( 1988 ) and Trueman & A ; Titman ( 1988 ) point out that the being of information dissymmetry between directors and stockholders is a necessary status for net incomes direction. Schipper ( 1989 ) besides highlights the status for net incomes direction being the continuity of asymmetric information, but she unwinds the status by reasoning that the out of use communicating can be eliminated through the enforcement of contractual agreement. From the position of a positive association between the conservativism of accounting estimations and corporate revelation, Imhoff & A ; Thomas ( 1994 ) supply empirical grounds in back uping this line of statement. They conclude that houses who unwrap more information are more likely to hold conservative accounting estimations ( prosecuting in less net incomes direction ) . Richardson ( 1998 ) uses the bid-ask spread and the scattering in analysts ‘ prognosiss as a step of information dissymmetry and finds a positive association between ne t incomes direction and the degree of information dissymmetry.2.2.2 Agency CostssThe 2nd cardinal status for the being of net incomes direction is bureau costs which is based around the theoretical model of the bureau theory. Jensen and Meckling ( 1976 ) developed the bureau theory to explicate the link between principals ( stockholders ) and agents ( directors ) . Principals use contracts to actuate agents who would otherwise hold struggles of involvement with principals. Although the primary map of catching is designed to aline the inducements between principals and agents ( Deegan, 1996 ) , the rawness and the rigidnesss in binding of contracts create bureau concerns, which lead to use of the coverage procedure. Watts & A ; Zimmerman ( 1986 ) suggest that the ex-post managerial discretions are made to increase compensation or to avoid debt compact misdemeanors. They use Positive Accounting Theory to exemplify how directors choose accounting methods to accomplish coveted accountin g Numberss and therefore act upon the house ‘s contractual agreements. In fact, grounds of net incomes direction pattern to bring forth higher direction compensation suggest that the design of contracts to aline the inducements of the agents with those of the principal might non be the optimum solution in extenuating bureau costs ( Hart & A ; Holmstrom, 1987 ) . Watts & A ; Zimmerman ( 1978 ) take the position that directors ‘ pick of accounting methods is to maximise their ain public-service corporation, where the public-service corporation is a map of the direction compensation and the house ‘s stock monetary value. Therefore, undertaking which is designed to work out bureau struggles non merely raise room for managerial self-interested behaviour, but besides imposes extra costs on stockholders if it is used in advancing directors ‘ ego involvements instead than that of stockholders.2.3 Two viing positions of Net incomes ManagementNet incomes direction arises from information dissymmetry job and bureau struggles that occur when equit y ownership is separated from the daily operation of the corporation and directors have a comparative information advantage over stockholders. On one manus, these market imperfectnesss create an environment for directors to prosecute in accounting discretion to advance their opportunism at the disbursal of stockholders. On the other manus, they besides create an chance for directors to utilize accounting discretion to pass on their company ‘s performance-related information in an appropriate mode with investors ( Trueman & A ; Titman, 1988 ; Dye, 1988 ; Schipper, 1989 ) . Net incomes direction literature reflects these two viing positions as timeserving behaviour and signaling mechanism.2.3.1 Opportunist behaviourThe position of timeserving behaviour takes the position that directors use information dissymmetry between foreigners and insiders to maximise their public-service corporation in covering with compensation, debt contracts and ordinances. Investors are thereby misled by the undependable information reported. Watts & A ; Zimmerman ( 1978 ) used self-interest attack in explicating directors ‘ discretional behaviour over reported net incomes to act upon contractual results. Opportunist net incomes direction illustrates directors ‘ desire to impact wealth transportation between related undertaking parties and themselves. Positive Accounting Theory states that proprietors expect directors to exert discretion towards their personal addition and take this into consideration when they offer directors with compensation programs. The value of direction compensation contracts drive up managerial outlook and therefore increases the degree of discretions itself. Scott ( 1997 ) refers to this as â€Å" unexpected † managerial discretion which consequences in a net loss in the aggregative stockholder wealth. In a catching relationship, nevertheless, directors are more risk averse compared with other undertaking parties. Capable to restraints of these contracts, they will try to maximise their personal wealth. Dye ( 1988 ) and Fudenberg & A ; Tirole ( 1995 ) demonstrate that risk-averse directors without entree to capital markets will hold an inducement to prosecute in net incomes direction.2.3.2 Signing mechanismThe advocates of the signaling perspective argue that directors manage net incomes to convey their inside information about houses ‘ chances and therefore it serves as a signaling mechanism. Directors may be able to impact the stock monetary value by prosecuting in net incomes direction making a smooth and turning net incomes threading over clip. As such, net incomes direction can be a signal mechanism through which inside information about the house can be communicated from the direction to investors. A figure of surveies have modeled some signifier of information dissymmetry and depicted net incomes direction as rational equilibrium behaviour ( Hunt et al. , 1997 ; Bartov et al. , 2002 ; Lev, 2003 ; Dye, 1988 ) . These surveies document signaling grounds of net incomes direction to ease efficient communicating between directors and information users to better the value relevancy of fiscal coverage and enhance investors ‘ ability in foretelling house ‘s public presentation. Further, the signaling position besides implies that net incomes direction is sometimes demanded by stockholders. Beidleman ( 1973 ) and Dye ( 1988 ) argue that stockholders will demand for net incomes direction for two grounds. First, directors can cut down the cost of capital through a drum sander, more predictable income watercourse. Second, Dye ( 1988 ) states that a more stable income watercourse influences prospective investors ‘ perceptual experience of house value. Since current stockholders will sell their portions to the following coevals of future stockholders, directors will move on behalf of the current stockholders and have an inducement to pull off net incomes to maximise the merchandising monetary value received by the current stockholders ( Easton & A ; Zmijewski, 1989 ; Chaney & A ; Lewis, 1995 ) .2.4 Motivations to prosecute in Earnings Management2.4.1 Contracting IncentivesFiscal information and studies of a house drama an of import function in set uping and supervising contracts between a house and its stakeholders ( Sweeney, 1994 ) . Debt suppliers and creditors of houses commonly include contracts that are linked with fiscal statement information in order to protect their involvements. Watts and Zimmerman ( 1978 ) indicate that such contracts encourage houses to pull strings net incomes for the fiscal statements to look attractive to creditors. Under footings of the debt contract houses are required to show their fiscal information in a mode that is consistent with the understanding in order to avoid punishments under the contract. DeFond & A ; Jiambalvo ( 1994 ) found grounds that houses apply income-increasing accumulations as a agency of avoiding the effects of debt contract misdemeanor. There are besides other contractual inducements for directors to pull off net incomes, for illustration in a direction buyout contract ; directors have an inducement to understate net incomes in an effort to get a house at a lower monetary value ( Wu, 1997 ) . In coup d'etat or amalgamation contractual scenes, Easterwood ( 1997 ) found grounds that mark companies of hostile coup d'etats attempt to blow up net incomes in the period prior to a hostile coup d'etat effort to deter their stockholders from back uping the coup d'etat.2.4.2 Capital Market ExpectationsCapital markets use fiscal information to put security monetary values. Investors use fiscal information to make up one's mind whether to purchase, sell or keep securities. Market efficiency is based upon the information flow to capital markets. When the information is wrong, it may non be possible for the markets to value securities right ( Xie et al. 2003 ) . To this extent, net incomes direction obscures existent public prese ntation and lessens the ability of stockholders to do informed determinations. Prior surveies have examined the inducements of directors to pull strings net incomes in an effort to act upon assorted capital market participants. Dechow et Al. ( 1996 ) and Teoh et Al. ( 1998 ) supply grounds that directors inflate net incomes prior to seasoned equity offerings. These findings are consistent with the contention that directors seek to pull off pre-issue net incomes in an effort to better investors ‘ outlooks about future public presentation ( Xie et al. 2003 ) . Directors besides engage in net incomes direction to run into and crush net incomes benchmark as failure to run into net incomes benchmarks are believed to increase uncertainness about the company ‘s future chances and a perceptual experience among foreigners that there are deep, antecedently unknown jobs at the company ( Graham, 2006 ) . The importance of these concerns increases with the grade of net incomes counsel that the company provides. There is a common belief that everyone plays the net incomes game, losing net incomes marks indicate that a company has no available slack to present net incomes. Therefore, the market assumes that losing the mark means the company is potentially confronting serious jobs and must hold already used up its ‘cushions ‘ ( Graham, 2006 ) .2.5 Net incomes Management and CEO Compensation IncentivesAn built-in constituent of houses ‘ net incomes direction is the proportion of CEO compensation that is attached to company ‘ s stocks and options. Bergstresser & A ; Philippon ( 2006 ) supply grounds that net incomes direction is more marked at houses where CEO ‘s entire compensation is closely tied with houses ‘ stocks and options. Evidence from Bergstresser et Al. ( 2006 ) indicate that companies with more incentivized CEOs have higher degrees of net incomes direction as these CEOs appear to be more aggressive in their usage of discretional constituents of net incomes to impact their house ‘s reported public presentation. They argue that CEOs whose entire compensation consists chiefly of stock and options have an inducement to pull strings net incomes so that the house can describe a net income and supply favourable intelligence to investors ; taking to an addition in portion monetary value. Tiing CEO compensation to company stocks may hold the consequence of promoting CEOs to work their discretion in describing net incomes, with an oculus to pull strings the portion monetary value of the company ( Bergstresser & A ; Philippon, 2006 ) .2.6 Net incomes Management and Corporate GovernanceLeuz et Al. ( 2003 ) found empirical grounds that net incomes direction occurs less often where outside investors are provided more rigorous protection by the state ‘s legal administration system and occurs more often in states where the legal administration system provided to outsider investors is weak. Leuz et Al. ( 2003 ) argues that the presence of a administration environment that provides strong, well-enforced protection of the rights of corporate foreigners serves to restrict the ability of inside direction to get private control benefits through net incomes direction. Wells ( 2002 ) provides empirical support that incoming CEO ‘s take an ‘earnings bath ‘ in the twelvemonth of the CEO alteration. DeAngelo ( 1988 ) provides direct grounds of net incomes direction subsequent to CEO alteration and notes that the period subsequent to CEO alteration, incoming directors take an ‘earnings bath ‘ from both non-cash write-downs and unexpected accumulations and that they attribute this to the former direction. Incoming CEO ‘s may hold considerable inducements to minimise reported income in the initial phase of their term of office. This arises as a effect of accounting income being mostly irrelevant to managerial public assistance during the first fiscal twelvemonth of term of office, which is typically a partial twelvemonth ( Wells, 2002 ) . Incoming CEO ‘s are non held responsible for past public presentation and may explicitly impute past public presentation to prior direction. Consequently, income may be deferred to subsequent periods when it will more probably have a positive impact on compensation either through expressed contracts or inexplicit wagess. In this scene, the entrance CEO is typically associated with past determinations, inexplicit unfavorable judgment of which may be embodied in downwards net incomes direction ( Wells, 2002 ) . Furthermore, the surpassing CEO is unable to restrain such behaviour and this high spots an of import corporate administration issue ( Godfrey et al. , 2003 ) . Klein ( 2002 ) found grounds of a negative relation between board independency and unnatural accumulations, proposing that decrease in board independency is accompanied by big addition in unnatural accumulations. In add-on to Klein ( 2002 ) , Xie et Al. ( 2003 ) found consequences that suggest lower degrees of net incomes direction is associated with greater independency on the board of managers. These findings indicate that independency of the board of managers is of import in restraining the leaning of directors to prosecute in net incomes direction. Based on the literature on board independency, this research will use a variable to command for board independency in the cross-sectional and pooled arrested development theoretical accounts.2.7 Net incomes Management and Auditor IndependenceHearers are appointed as an independent party to supply an sentiment as to whether fiscal statements supply a ‘true and just ‘ position ( Chapple & A ; Koh, 2007 ) . Independence is by and large understood to mention to a mental province of objectiveness, deficiency of prejudice, personal involvement, prior committedness to an involvement, or susceptibleness to undue influence or force per unit area. Independence is important in the auditing profession and this has come into light through the failures of Enron and WorldCom. Without independency, investors and stakeholder will lose assurance in audit studies, the hearer ‘s sentiment will non be believable, and besides fiscal statements will lose credibleness, therefore lead to future corporate failures as was the instance of Enron ( Chapple & A ; Koh, 2007 ) . It is in direction ‘s involvements to hold an external audit to cut down bureau costs: deficiency of a believable independent audit will increase cost of capital, restrict entree to capital and enforce terrible limitations on direction ‘s actions. The demand of hearer independency is critical and any damage or perceived damage of independenc y will increase bureau costs ( Firth, 1997 ) . Literature has expressed concerns about the effects of hearers ‘ proviso of non-audit services on the independency of hearers. For illustration, Beeler & A ; Hunton ( 2001 ) reference that the proviso of non audit services arguably strengthens the hearer ‘s economic bond with the client, thereby cut downing hearer independency and increases hearer ‘s inducement to assent to client force per unit area, including force per unit area to let net incomes direction. Firth ( 1997 ) suggests that any existent or sensed damage of hearer independency will earnestly impact the credibleness of fiscal statements. One possible signal of hearer independency jobs is the grade to which the audit house is economically bonded to a client. Supplying joint services leads the hearer to agree with direction ‘s positions on questionable accounting patterns because challenging these patterns will probably ensue in the loss of non merely the audit fee, but besides consultancy assignments ( Firth, 1997 ) . DeFond et Al. ( 2002 ) besides suggests that although hearers have market-based inducements to stay independent, auditor independency may be threatened when hearers provide non audit services to their clients. Increased economic bonding between hearer and its client ensuing from non audit services induces the hearer to decide differences in the client ‘s favor in order to keep tenure ( Simunic, 1984 ) . The issue of mensurating the economic bond and economic importance of a client to the hearer is further addressed by Ashbaugh et Al. ( 2003 ) , who argue that the amount of audit and non audit fees, i.e. entire fees best captures the expressed economic bond between hearer and client. Motivated by turning public and regulative concerns over possible hurtful effects of non-audit services, new ordinances control the proviso of non-audit services and heighten the unity of fiscal studies ( Ferguson et al. , 2004 ) . A host of empirical surveies have examined the relationship between hearer independency, non-audit services and net incomes direction. Empirical grounds from Frankel et Al. ( 2002 ) indicated that non audit fees are positively related with the magnitude of discretional accumulations, while audit fees are negatively associated with net incomes direction. Ferguson et Al. ( 2004 ) examined the association between non audit services and net incomes direction activity and found grounds coverage net incomes direction to be significantly and positively related to non audit services. This is consistent with their statement that higher degree of economic bonding between hearer and client ensuing from non audit services may cut down hearers ‘ willingness to re strain net incomes direction activity.2.8 Corporate Law Economic Reform Program ( CLERP 9 )Severe use and fraud have been associated with loose corporate administration, deficiency of hearer independency and executive inducements construction conducive to timeserving behaviour ( Leuz et al. , 2003 ) . Recent planetary corporate failures have sparked important force per unit area on direction, hearers, managers, the accounting profession and authoritiess ‘ inadvertence function to reexamine the issue of concern moralss and hearer independency. These corporate failures have led to formal authorities questions to look into the grounds behind these unexpected corporate prostrations. In Australia, the failure of HIH Insurance led to the enquiry into the fortunes environing its failure. The study of the HIH Royal Commission indentified a figure of possible breaches of the Crimes Act and the Corporations Act. It was besides found that there was grounds on deficiency of audit inadvertence, transparence, answerability and hearer independency ( Robinson, 2003 ) . The study ‘s policy recommendations on corporate administration, fiscal coverage and confidence were considered into the CLERP 9 amendments for the Corporations Act as these amendments changed the manner the jurisprudence recognized the direction and administration of companies and corporate groups. On 25th June 2004, the CLERP 9 Bill gained blessing of Parliament and came into consequence as the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program ( Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure ) Act 2004 ( Cth ) on 1 July, 2004. The CLERP 9 Act contains a figure of agendas covering with: audit reform, fiscal coverage, wage of managers and executives, uninterrupted revelation, hearer independency, write offing of options, conformity controls and encouragement of greater stockholder engagement at meetings ( Robinson, 2003 ) . Since the debut of CLERP 9, scrutinizing criterions have become statutory and non simply professional duties. CLERP 9 embodies recommendations associating to auditor independency and audit quality. One of the most of import alterations CLERP 9 made was set uping the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ( AUASB ) as a statutory organic structure and making the Financial Reporting Council ( FRC ) which is responsible for the inadvertence of the AUASB and for its strategic determinations. Under the CLERP 9 Act, hearers are now required to supply to their clients a written declaration that the hearer has complied with the hearer independency demands and any applicable codifications of professional behavior ( Chapple & A ; Koh, 2007 ) . Section 324CA of CLERP 9 enforces rigorous demands of the proviso of both audit and non audit services to the same client and house every bit good as to the fortunes that will amount to a struggle of involvement. The new liability model is designed to promote a ‘culture of conformity ‘ by doing it an offense to transgress the independency demands and puting liability on all members of an audit house and all managers of audit companies. The debut of CLERP 9 has brought many reforms in a manner of beef uping the independency of hearers so investors, stakeholders and the populace in general can hold higher assurance in audit studies and in the long-term public presentation of companies. Enhancing auditor independency came through the signifier of subjecting Australian public companies and their external hearers to detailed commissariats regulating hearer independency, and beef uping bing hearer independency through ( Robinson, 2003 ; Federal Treasury, 2003 ; Cooper & A ; Deo, 2005 ) : A new general criterion of hearer independency Auditor rotary motion Restrictions on employment relationships between hearers and audit clients A compulsory chilling off period before members of an audit house can go a manager or officer of the audit client Self-review menace was addressed by CLERP 9 necessitating two things: compulsory revelation of fees paid for non audit services in certain classs and a statement from the audit commission to be included in the one-year study that it is satisfied that the proviso of those services is compatible with auditor independency. In drumhead, the literature reappraisal presented a treatment on net incomes direction and assorted topics in relation to net incomes direction such as hearer independency, CEO compensation inducements, corporate administration, etc. From net incomes direction literature, it is apparent that capital market outlooks and undertaking inducements are the few of the chief motives driving directors to prosecute in net incomes direction.3.0 HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT3.1 Net incomes Management 2003-2006The debut of increased regulative reforms to heighten the corporate administration environment will supply strong, well-enforced protection of the rights of corporate foreigners and will function to restrict the ability of inside direction to get private control benefits through net incomes direction ( Wright et al. , 2006 ) . Anterior literature has suggested that the deficiency of corporate administration enforcement could enable directors to more easy run into analysts ‘ prognosiss, misus e the company ‘s financess and run into net incomes marks through net incomes use ( Hope, 2003 ) . Australian houses are expected to follow CLERP 9 reforms rather exhaustively as any non-compliance will ensue in important punishments and bad image. Conformity with demands of hearer independency introduced by CLERP 9 will cut down the economic bond companies have with their hearers, and this is expected to ensue in hearers supplying nonsubjective audit studies free from any prejudice and direction force per unit area. With the debut of CLERP 9, it is interesting to analyze the consequence CLERP 9 has on the net incomes direction patterns of these houses. It is expected that the compliant group of houses ( ASX 100 ) will react faster to CLERP 9 reforms than emerging houses ( Small Ordinaries Index ) . First, it is expected that compliant houses have an equal internal administration construction in topographic point to better transparence and to guarantee the market that these houses are one measure in front of the remainder of the houses. Compliant houses would hold prepared for CLERP 9 prior to its debut, and therefore the consequence of CLERP 9 as an ‘event ‘ in these houses will be less as compared to the consequence on emerging houses. Compliant houses are besides under heavy examination from regulators than the rising houses, while the houses in the compliant group are all audited by the Big-4 hearers. Therefore, it is expected that CLERP 9 will hold an consequence on net incomes d irection in the station CLERP 9 period for the compliant houses. Compliant houses have less to derive and are risk averse, whilst rising houses would desire to turn and raise capital and in order to make so, direction will be inclined to ‘play ‘ with accounting Numberss to pull possible investors. It is expected that CLERP 9 will heighten transparence, better hearer independency and these are expected to act upon the net incomes direction patterns of emerging houses. As indicated by Wright et Al. ( 2006 ) , the debut of increased regulative reforms to heighten the corporate administration environment will function to restrict the ability of inside direction to get private control benefits through net incomes direction. These treatments hence lead to the undermentioned hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: Net incomes direction is expected to diminish in the station CLERP 9 period for the ASX 100 â€Å" compliant † houses. Hypothesis 2: Net incomes direction is expected to diminish in the station CLERP 9 period for the ASX Small Ordinaries Index â€Å" emerging † houses. Hypothesis 3: Net incomes direction is expected to be low ( high ) when hearer independency is high ( low ) in ASX 100 â€Å" compliant † houses and ASX Small Ordinaries Index â€Å" emerging † houses. Hypothesis 4: Net incomes direction is positively associated with CEO equity based compensation.4.0 RESEARCH METHOD4.1 Sample DescriptionThe sample for this survey consists of Australian houses selected indiscriminately from the ASX 100 and ASX Small Ordinaries Index. This will guarantee that the sample from each index will be relative to the population. The survey period is between 2003 to 2006, covering four fiscal old ages. The houses will be classified in the two classs ( ASX 100 and ASX Small Ordinaries Index ) for each twelvemonth of the survey identified from the Standard & A ; Poor peoples ( S & A ; P ) database and information from the Australian Stock Exchange ( ASX ) . The first group of houses includes the ASX 100 index, which are the 100 largest stocks listed on the ASX and 50 houses will be picked indiscriminately for this sample. The index is float-adjusted, with securities that are extremely liquid and hence, institutionally investable ( Standard & A ; Poor peoples, 2 007 ) . The 2nd group includes 50 houses besides picked indiscriminately based on the ASX Small Ordinaries which is used as an institutional benchmark for little cap Australian equity portfolios ( Standard & A ; Poor peoples, 2007 ) . The sample from both the indices will be grouped together in a pooled arrested development and a silent person variable for emerging and compliant houses will be used to find size. Datas for the independent and control variables will besides be obtained from the undermentioned beginnings: Connect 4 on-line database, Fin Analysis on-line database and through company one-year studies. The sample choice standards are as follows: ( i ) houses continuously listed on their relevant constitutional list and ( two ) all necessary informations available for the research method adopted in this survey.4.2 Measuring Net incomes ManagementAnterior net incomes direction surveies have developed several trials for observing net incomes direction. Healy ( 1985 ) tested net incomes direction through the appraisal of accounting policy alterations, McNichols & A ; Wilson ( 1988 ) tested the discretional accrual constituent of a individual history and Jones ( 1991 ) used the estimation of the discretional constituent of entire accumulations to prove for net incomes direction. Net incomes direction can be achieved by assorted agencies such as the usage of accumulations and alteration s in accounting methods. However, net incomes direction through the use of accumulations is believed to be the favoured instrument because accumulations have no direct hard currency flow effects and hence, are less likely to be ‘undone ‘ by the market ( Trueman & A ; Titman, 1988 ) . Accrual net incomes is considered superior to hard currency flows because it overcomes the timing and mismatching jobs built-in in mensurating hard currency flows ( Dechow, 1995 ) . In add-on, accumulations let directors pass on their private, inside information and hence, better the ability of net incomes to reflect the implicit in economic value. At the same clip, directors could mistreat the flexibleness permitted by GAAP by prosecuting in aggressive coverage of accumulations that can sabotage the informativeness of reported net incomes. The usual starting point for the measuring of net incomes direction is entire accumulations ( Dechow et al. , 1995 ) . Entire accumulations are so divided into a discretional ( DA ) and non-discretionary ( NA ) constituent. The discretional part of entire accumulations is used in this survey to mensurate net incomes direction, as the premise underlying the net incomes direction model is that the higher the composing of discretional accumulations within entire accumulations, the higher the likeliness that a house is utilizing discretion within accrual accounting to prosecute in net incomes direction. Non-discretionary accumulations are portion of entire accumulations caused by house ‘s gross revenues growing and are ‘viewed as independent of managerial control ‘ or beyond the control of the CEO ( Frankel et al. , 2002 ) . The part of entire accumulations unexplained by normal operating activities is labeled discretional accumulations. A time-series attack based on the Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account allows a comparing of net incomes direction activities of houses. The Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account regresses entire accumulations against the alteration in grosss and the degree of gross fixed assets. Entire accumulations include alterations in working capital histories that, in portion, depend on alterations in gross. Changes in gross are used to command for the economic environment and the gross belongings, works and equipment ( PPE ) is included to command for the non-discretionary depreciation disbursals. However, factors such as growing and rising prices can do the time-series of a house ‘s economic variables to expose unequal discrepancies over clip. To get the better of this job the Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account uses lagged assets to scale the independent and dependent variables to cut down the possibility of heteroscedasticity ( Lim et al. , 1999 ) . Dechow et Al. ( 1995 ) refined the Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account by deducting the alteration in receivables from the alteration in grosss and hence, the invention leads to the modified Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account as demonstrated in equation 1.0 below. The modified Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account provides the most powerful trial for observing net incomes direction as it corrects the inclination of the Jones theoretical account to mensurate discretional accumulations with mistake when discretion is applied over grosss ( Dechow et al, 1995 ) . While this attack is capable to unfavorable judgment from Kothari et Al. ( 2005 ) , which has suggested that public presentation matched discretional accrual steps enhances the dependability of illations from net incomes direction when the hypothesis being tested does non connote that net incomes direction will change with steadfast public presentation. Kothari et Al. ( 2005 ) suggest that public presentation fiting on return on assets controls for the consequence of public presentation on measured discretional accumulations. However, due to the prevalence of the modified Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account in net incomes direction literature, gauging discretional accumulations is to be conducted utilizing the modified Jones ( 1991 ) theoretical account.Non-discretionary Accumulations: Modified Jones ( 1991 ) ModelOriginal Jones ( 1991 ) ModelWhere: = entire non-discretionary accumulations in twelvemonth T for house I = entire accumulations in twelvemonth T for house I = entire assets in twelvemonth t-1 for house I = grosss in twelvemonth T less grosss in twelvemonth t-1 for house I = gross belongings, works & A ; equipment in twelvemonth T for house I The traditional method of calculating entire accumulations ( TA ) follows the lines of anterior research such as Healy ( 1985 ) , Jones ( 1991 ) and Dechow et Al. ( 1995 ) which have used the balance sheet attack to cipher TA. Hribar and Collins ( 2002 ) argue that utilizing the balance sheet attack to calculate entire accumulations is inferior in certain fortunes to a hard currency flow statement based attack. Austin and Bradbury ( 1995 ) concluded from their survey that anterior research which compares different hard currency flow steps is likely to be robust against mistakes contained in the hard currency flow estimations. They besides mention that it is preferred to utilize reported hard currency flows from operations instead than gauging hard currency flows from alterations in balance sheet histories and income statement points since these contain significant mistakes and therefore is a lacking placeholder of reported hard currency flow from operations ( Austin & A ; Bradbury, 1 995 ) . Hribar and Collins ( 2002 ) point out that utilizing successive-year balance sheet variables to mensurate net incomes direction creates possible jobs around ‘non-articulation ‘ day of the months such as amalgamations and acquisitions. Due to the unfavorable judgments of the balance sheet attack, the hard currency flow attack is to be used for mensurating entire accumulations ( TA ) .Entire AccumulationsWhere: = Net income in twelvemonth T = Cash flow from operations in twelvemonth T = lagged entire assetsDiscretionary AccumulationsThe usage of natural accrual sums as a placeholder for net incomes direction is a simple method to measure net incomes quality because houses can hold high accumulations for legitimate concern grounds, such as gross revenues growing. A more complicated placeholder can be created by trying to categorise entire accumulations into non-discretionary and discretional accumulations. The non-discretionary constituent reflects concern conditions such as growing and he length of the operating rhythm that of course create and destroy accumulations, while the discretional constituent identifies the direction picks. Therefore, the consequence of drawing discretional accrual sums from the entire accrual sum is a metric that to a certain extent reflects accumulations that are due to direction ‘s pick since they are non obligatory disbursals that are yet to be realized and recorded in the histories. Hence, discretional accumulations is a better placeholder for net incomes direction.5.0 DecisionThe research reappraisal aims to look into whether the debut of the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act ( CLERP 9 ) has influenced net incomes direction patterns of Australian listed companies in the ASX 100 and ASX Small Ordinaries sample groups. The research inquiries are to be examined beyond the context of anterior literature mentioned in the reappraisal. As with all accruals-based testing of net incomes direction, the ability to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Effects of quantitative easing on food prices Research Paper

Effects of quantitative easing on food prices - Research Paper Example He stated that the United States is the leader and the rest of the countries seem to be trailing the footsteps of us. The more money countries print the higher the prices of goods grow. Thus, if countries want to end the uphill trajectory and the volatility of prices, then they need to turn off the printing presses and let interest rates rise. This statement shows the effect of quantitative easing on prices of commodities including food (Schiff, n.p.). Under normal circumstances, whenever there are quantitative easing, prices for foodstuff will be on the rise, since the money around or being in circulation increases. While the agricultural production, as well as food being manufactured in industries could be the same as it were before, quantitative easing increases the price of foodstuff as it has been commonly believed and in some cases proven that easy money reliably drives up the price. Fredrick Kaufman, writer of â€Å"A Short History of the American Stomach† and an editor to the Harper’s Magazine stated that quantitative easing brings up a new level of volatility in the markets. Because of the introduction of more billions of dollars in the market, food prices have increased because a lot of money in the market means inflation that causes a rise in the price of things. Kaufman argues that it is true quantitative easing has led to increase in food prices he goes further to say that we cannot blame quantitative easing alone because demand and supply, climate change, and speculations are also serious contributors to the volatility in the commodities market (Schiff, n.p.). As money increases and becomes more available so does the prices of food stuff rise and affect people differently because of the differences in the economic status of people, in that society. The poor are affected negatively, since they do not feel the real impact of quantitative easing. Thus, some people have been quoted making statements saying that if only the world was poor and starving masses understood the benefits of  Quantitative Easing, they would perhaps not riot in the streets over increasing  food prices. This shows the real effect of quantitative easing on foodstuff. People must simply be educated to understand the concept of quantitative easing. For instance, the prices of major foodstuff wheat and corn are being towered so are the profits at Goldman Sachs, according to Eric Fry of  the Daily Reckoning. In his article, Eric goes further to say that the passing food problems of the poor people in places that they occupy are a minimal price to pay for the resurgent economic activity in other places. Moreover, if people do not make much money in one place, they cannot send any handouts to other places. This logic seems to inspire Chairman of Bernanke’s QE campaigns. This already is a proof that quantitative easing causes an increase on food prices and hits the poor people with detrimental effects when the prices of foods are raised because they cannot access the money said to be available (Fry, n.p.). The fact that quantitative easing increases food prices also means that it makes the availability of food scarce to many people. Quantitative easing makes the prices of stocks to shoot up and influence people to feel that they have more money, something that makes them spend

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Global Warming - Essay Example I tend to conquer with the Global Warming High Priest, Al Gore, that global warming has emerged a moral issue of interest; even if it is always challenging to legislate morality. Every human can in one way or another contribute to global warming; individually or collectively through the use of industries and the industrial products such as fuel. The major issue in the expected kind of morality involves the attainment of the universally accepted moral orders and values to govern the phenomenon of Global Warming. Amicable self-reflection concerning Global Warming, which seems controversial, can help us shift the so regarded - the accepted code of behavior, to a considerably just as well as a fair conclusion which benefits the universal (common) good. The loudest voice concerning morality emerges from people of belief (faith). To achieve a beneficial moral standard, everyone should strive to see an inspired social change concerning Global Warming. Concerning the latest science over Global Warming, it is paramount to focus on the establishment of a balance between the common good and self-interest. Entities such as industries should adopt high morals, especially while disposing of industrial gases which deplete the Ozone layer. They can choose to invest on the further utilization of industrial gases instead of releasing them to the contextual atmosphere. Dilemmas surrounding Global Warming: Industries have to dispose of industrial gases but this has a direct impact on the Ozone layer thus contributing towards global warming.

Assess the state of learning and development in your chosen Essay

Assess the state of learning and development in your chosen organisation - Essay Example It is essential to note that workers must have qualities to adopt any kind of environment in addition to enhancing their skills. Through the specialized training provided by learning and development (L&D) as well as proper guidance, employee’s performance is significantly achieved. In this regard, there is need for managers to be thoroughly experienced in executing development strategies. While learning is a continuous process that aims at shaping up the skills that are hidden within an employee, development is a process that is focused at growing personal skills in order to rise the degree of knowledge among the employees (Rae, 2001). This paper aims at candidly assessing the state of learning and development strategies emulated by Apple incorporation, an international company that specializes in the production and marketing of personal computers, consumers electronics as well computer software. Despite the stiff competition that Apple Company has faced from its rivals that include IBM and Microsoft, its innovation and learning culture has significantly contributed to the improved performance in the technology industry. Being headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple has instigated a number of learning programs under the leadership of the former CEO Steve Jobs. One of the major strategies that Apple has adopted in its operations is recruitment of excellent and talented executives. In addition, the company has adopted a key L&D strategy that entails creation of a learning environment through the use of tools such as self direction, lectures, training among other learning programs (Gibb, 2008). In its day to day operations, Apple Company through its management team has initiated cognitive as well as behavioural approaches as major learning and development strategies. In this way, the company has encouraged effective communication between junior employees and the top manag ement. Another

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Concepts and Operations management principles in Mcdonalds Essay

Concepts and Operations management principles in Mcdonalds - Essay Example For instance, as noted Preliminary results statement, 2006, it offers a range of quality menu choices along with our convenience and brand affordability. Its performance reflects its continued commitment to leverage its operations and process engineering through adoption of the current technology in its systems and procedures. For instance, there is a close monitoring of its chain of operations through advanced techniques to ensure that there is timely delivery of products to customers’ complaints, queries. As the CEO , Jim Skinner noted in the Financial highlights of the year 2011, ‘During 2011, McDonalds continued momentum drove higher profitability and market share gains as we fortified our leadership position around the world. The ongoing strength of McDonalds results is rooted in our Plan to Win with a relentless focus on what matters most to our customers. We are enhancing the customer experience – from our menu and service to our value and convenience – while giving more people more reasons to visit McDonalds more often’. Said McDonalds Chief Executive Officer,. This implies that the chain store constantly pursue customer excellence strategy. The Financial highlights 2011, notes that its success is a result of a diversification to ensure that customers have a variety of food variety to satisfy their needs are satisfied. The recent growing competition from its rivals has necessitated the need to differentiate its products, offer excellent quality customer services, have wider, and more distributed chain stores with uniformity of services across the globe. A wide coverage and presence of several chain stores in region reaches out to more customers than its main rivals do. An examination of some of product offering includes cheers, salads and other breakfast options. Through continued efforts to innovate, it has created a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Creative Change Within Organizations Research Paper

Creative Change Within Organizations - Research Paper Example This is shown through the Ochsner Health System, which has been put to financial danger by a foreseen government payment reduction of a minimum of 3% over the next half a decade. These challenges have called for bold changes in the hospital job setting. These changes have to be put in place to ensure sustainability, affordability and the quality of the hospital care delivery system. â€Å"Care Partner Model† the new Ochsner’s designed care delivery model will aid in ensuring the quality of service delivery is improved. This will be by collaborating a registered nurse and a learning practical nurse to provide nursing care to the patients. This process will be represented in 4 stages. Body Summary: Monitoring of the Care Partner Model takes place through meetings held twice a month by a research team. There are various methods that can be used to monitor implementation of the Care Partner Model. Data collection by data collectors is one of them. This monitoring will invol ve assessment of direct care costs incurred in attaining the CPM objectives, pod efficiency; number of RN/RN pods per pay period; RN or LPN used in a different capacity and agency remunerations. The information collected by the data collectors will be fed into excels spreadsheets and safely kept in a computer that’s possessed by the principal investigator. Then the data collected will undergo analysis, which will include frequencies and distributions to describe the sample characteristics and variables of interest. The data analysis will also include suitable statistical correlations and associations. To analyze the disrupted time series data, segmented regression and auto regressive integrated moving average will be used. This will also include the death rates, length of stay, readmits, staffing mix, falls, pressure ulcers and failure to rescue. Where suitable variables of interests will be described using the frequencies and measures of. The Care Partner Model promotes more dynamic, directed and purposeful nurse/patient relationship. This is because the nurses are a key to the care delivered within the hospital setting. A research by Hendrich, Chow, Skierczynsky and Lu established 75% of nurses’ time is spend on nursing practice related activities and only about 15% of this time was spent in direct patience care. (Hendrich, 2008). Out of every five, two full time staff nurses responding to the demands of the system is considered wasteful rather than spending time in direct patient care . (Krichbaum, 2007). The objective of the proposed change project is to assess the changes in patient and staff outcomes, work flow and financial indicators associated with the implementation of the Care Partnership Model. Thus better staff and patient outcomes factor the proposed change. For readiness of the proposed change, the Ochsner Health system will have to be partnered with a nationally recognized consultant to aid with defining the job of nursing. The medical/surgical units that were selected for the pilot will have to undergo through interviews and extensive observations. (MD, 2008) How to determine the effectiveness of the proposed change and how to measure the quality, cost and satisfaction outcomes: Effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed change refers to the variables that are used to indicate the progress of the change towards the set goals and objectives. In this context, there are various indicators of the effectiveness of the change and how the efficiency can be determined. This efficiency can be used

Monday, September 23, 2019

Nursing Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Nursing Theory - Essay Example Tautology looks into the useless repetition of a concept in different parts of the theory that can confuse the explanation of the theory vague and can confuse the reader. While, teleology is examined by considering the extent to which consequences and causes are put different in a theory. Teleology happens when a theorist describes ideas by consequences and then initiates new ideas instead of getting the definitions of the original ideas. As this procedure continues, the theory remains vague for there is no lucid definition of the theory’s ideas (Peterson & Bredow, 2009). Moreover, diagrams are important to see the interrelationship of the ideas practically to each other before conducting research. They are essential in reviewing the strength of statistical associations between the theories ideas (p. 55). In conclusion, theory development and critique are important because they result to theories that are adequate, clear, and address the complexity and consistency of theories. Theories that are produced after the process are precise, definitive parameters and have clear boundaries of the subject matter. Theories provide nurses with the required basis to restructure and enlighten healthcare and improve the quality of care at all professional

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Academic Success Essay Example for Free

Academic Success Essay No matter where you are in your life continuing your education can be a challenge. Being able to juggle all your responsibilities can be very hard, but it is one of the keys to success. Everyone strives to be successful in every aspect of their life. You must know what you want to accomplish and be able to create a guided plan to have the best results. Making sure to stay organized and set your priorities in line, will lead to ultimate success. The ways I plan to continue my academic success is by setting educational goals, perfecting my writing process, applying my learning style, and the importance of academic integrity. Goals Setting goals is a very important step to take in your life. It helps with the drive to continue school and the ability to obtain a lasting career. My educational goal is to finish with high academic honors at the end of my courses. Staying on top of my homework will not only have me stress free but will keep me on top so I do not fall behind. Falling behind on schoolwork can be devastating to my grades. Having a set career goal will keep you motivated and give you the drive to be successful. I plan to start off my career in an entry level position and work my way up to a top paying position. Having a top paying job that I enjoy doing, will allow me to be able to provide or my family. (Stratton, R. K. (2005). Writing Process The writing process is a critical part of having success in your education and your career. Perfecting the writing process while continuing your education can be very challenging in many ways. The writing process is broken down into steps to help ensure success; they are topics, subtopics, outline, thesis, rough draft, and final draft. By mastering these steps it ensures you will be successful. Many jobs now require e-mail and written  communication as a prime source of communication. Being able to communicate effectively will help increase a customer’s experience which in turn helps the business become more successful. (Hansen, n.d.) Critical Thinking Critical thinking can be used in all aspects of a person’s life. There are different steps and also different ways in which you can apply critical thinking. Critical thinking focuses on deeper learning, helps with problem solving, and helps a person explore many issues, ideas, and events before having an opinion on a topic or issue. There are many steps to the critical thinking process, remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating ( Ellis, D., Toft, D. (2015). When applying these steps in the order it will help in the critical thinking process. A lot of people use critical thinking on a day to day basis without even considering they are actually using it. The first step of critical thinking is remembering, it is consisted of reading, listing, and defining. The second step of the process is understanding which is demonstrated, group, outline, and describing the events or issues. The next step is applying which can be accomplished by discussing, explaining, and is used to produce your desired results. Classifying, determining, and comparing and contrasting make up the fourth step which is analyzing. Once done analyzing a person can then begin evaluating. Evaluating helps rate truth, judge effectiveness and rank-issues of facts in order. The last step is creating, in this step you organize your thoughts, plan, also you can agree or disagree on a topic. ( Ellis, D., Toft, D. (2015). Responsibilities You use critical thinking on a daily basis in all aspects in your professional career. When thinking about being at work on time, being prepared for daily tasks, and executing them properly you are demonstrating how to use critical thinking in the work place. Critical thinking is also used for responsibilities to society which is called societal responsibility. There are many ways to positively impact your society like paying your bills on time. Keeping your yard clean, recycling, and keeping up with household projects also applies to societal responsibilities. Sending your kids to school to learn and get a great education would be a positive influence on society. It is very important to keep your  professional and societal responsibilities at a positive level to have the greatest impact. Resources There are many great resources that are available on the University database. The course syllabus is made available to help you stay on task and make sure your assignments are completed and turned in on a timely manner. Instructor’s classroom policies are shown to make certain every student knows the rules to follow set by the individual instructors. Phoenix Connect is provided so students can come together to provide feedback and tips to new and seasoned students. The libaray is a great source to use and find resources like articles and books to help with your research. The Center for Writing Excellence has a great tool, the plagiarism checker and the resource generator, which helps with small errors and saves you time. There are many benefits and challenges associated with using outside sources. You have to make sure the sources are creditable to ensure proper information is given. It helps with providing different points of view from various people. With internet so popular in today’s time students have many ways to get great information at the tip of their fingers. Learning Style Knowing your personal learning style can help you advance in everyday life. My personal learning style is Interpersonal, mode 3. I am an active learner, hands on activities is where I excel the most. Mode 3 learning is consisted of testing ideas, being able to practice what you learn, able to thrive with well-defined tasks, and problem solving. An interpersonal learning needs to be provide with constant feedback to demonstrate success. An individual with this learning style is often found in medical fields and IT positions. Knowing your learning style will help you advance in your educational learning. Conclusion Having your educational and career goals in place with a determined outcome will help you advance in all aspects of your life. Perfecting the writing process will help you with resumes, papers, emails, and provide you the tools to be able to communicate effectively. Also making sure you use all the resources given to you that are right at your fingertips. All of these combined will ensure you are able to achieve the highest level of success.   References Stratton, R. K. (2005). MOTIVATION: Goals and Goal Setting [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. Reston, United Kingdom: Taylor Francis Ltd.. Retrieved from ProQuest Central, GEN480 Interdisciplinary Capstone website. Hansen, K. (n.d.). Quintessential Careers. Retrieved from Ellis, D., Toft, D. (2015). Becoming a Master Student. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection Database.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Doctrine of Separation of Power Analysis

Doctrine of Separation of Power Analysis Introduction The doctrine of separation of powers is not a legal principle, but a political theory.[1] The separation of powers concerns the division of State power as between the executive, the legislature and judiciary.[2] Article 16 of the French Declaration of the Rights of man (1789) states, that ‘’a society where rights are not secured or the separation of powers established has no constitution’’.[3] The most important aspect of the separation of powers is the way in which the organs of State act to restrain each other and prevent the other institutions from exceeding their powers. There is a general belief that in all societies that there is a natural tendency for an individual to monopolise power. The doctrine of separation of powers attempts to combat this by providing mechanisms to make it difficult for any single power group to dominate and to ensure that government action requires the cooperation of different groups, each of which helps to keep the others within bounds.[4] One of the functions of government is to protect the rights of individuals, however, historically; governments have been the major violators of these rights that they are meant to protect. The concept of separation of powers is one of a number of measures that have been derived to reduce the likelihood of abuse of power by the government and the violation of individual rights.[5] If power is concentrated in a single group, they would have unlimited power and they would do as it pleases them. The French writer Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron Montesquieu is the person, most often associated with the doctrine of separation of power. Writing in 1748, the French jurist, Montesquieu argued that, there can be no liberty and there would be no end of everything if the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government were to be exercised by the same person or authority.[6] The English political philosopher, John Locke had earlier expressed similar sentiments and he wrote in 1690, ‘’it may be too great a temptation to human frailty†¦for the same person to have the power of making laws, to have also in their hands the power to execute them, whereby they may exempt themselves from the obedience to the laws they make, and suit the law both in its making and execution, to their own private advantage.[7] The scope of the doctrine of separation of power is not caste in iron. The doctrine has generated a lot of debate and is capable of different interpretations. Statements about the existence and importance of separation of powers in the United Kingdom should be treated with caution.[8] This essay will look at the doctrine of separation of power and if the doctrine operates in a satisfactory fashion in the United Kingdom today. I will first look at the origin of the doctrine of separation of powers. I will then look at doctrine of separation of powers in the U.K Origin of separation of powers. The doctrine of separation of powers includes a proposition about the functions of government, and discussions of the forms and functions of government may be traced back to ancient Greece.[9] John Locke recommended that the legislative and executive functions should be placed in separate hand, for the sake of efficiency as well as for the protection of liberty. His classification of functions was in to legislative the executive, and the federative.[10] Collin Munro, professor of constitutional law at University of Edinburgh wrote that , ‘’another related term, which has as long a history in political thought, is the problem of ensuring that the exercise of governmental power, if it is necessary for the promotion of a society’s values, may nonetheless be subject to limits so that it does not itself destroy those values. That is the principle of constitutionalism, which became central to western democratic tradition government’’.[11] Another theory, which was first, developed in ancient Greece and Rome was the theory of mixed governments, which proposed that the major interests in society must be allowed to participate jointly in government, so preventing any one interest from being able to dominate entirely. The doctrine, just like the doctrine of separation of powers was aimed at avoiding absolutism by preventing a monopoly of power.[12] Viscount Bolingbroke presented a clear delineation of the functions of the different arms of government. He wrote, ‘’A king of Great Britain is that supreme magistrate, who has a negative voice in the legislature. He is entrusted with the executive, and several other powers and privileges, which we call prerogative, are annexed to this trust. The two houses of parliament have their rights and privileges, some of which are common to both, others particular to each other†¦the supreme judicature resides in the Lords. The Commons are the grand inquest of the nation; and to them it belongs to judge of national expenses, and to give supplies accordingly’’. [13] Bolingbroke, had the vision to see that, ‘’in a constitution like ours, the safety of the whole depends on the balance of the parts’’.[14] In Bolingbrook’s writings, he proposed that that no arm of government should have monopoly of power, that was the only way, the rights, and liberty of individuals could be protected. Montesquieu took on the constitution that Bolingbroke described as his model and explicitly restated the doctrine of separation of powers. The Separation of Powers in the UK The separation of powers has been endorsed by contemporary UK judges, e.g. Lord Templeman in M v. Home Office (1993) 3 ALL ER 537.[15] Lord Diplock in a case concerning an industrial dispute stated, ‘’At a time when more and more cases involve the application of legislation which gives effect to polices that are the subject of bitter public and parliamentary controversy, it cannot be too strongly emphasised that the British constitution, though largely unwritten, is firmly based on the separation of power: parliament makes the laws, the judiciary interpret them’’.[16] Sir John Donaldson MR once remarked, ‘’Although the United Kingdom has no written constitution, it is †¦one of the highest importance that the legislature and the judicature are separate and independent of one another, subject to certain ultimate rights of Parliament over the judicature which are immaterial present purposes. It therefore behoves the courts to be ever sensitive to the paramount need to refrain from trespassing on the province of Parliament†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢.[17] Shortly afterwards, Lord Scarman referred to the doctrine in Re: Nottinghamshire, in explaining why the courts should be slow to intervene over the exercise of an executive power which had been subject to the specific approval of the House of Commons.[18] More recently in the case of M v Home-Office, Lord Templeman remarked that , Parliament makes the law, the executive carry the law in to effect and the judiciary enforce the law’’.[19] Other judges have recognised it as applying at least between the legislature and the judiciary, e.g. Lords Nicholas and Hope in Wilson v First County Trust (2003) 4 All ER 97.[20] A strict separation of powers in the United Kingdom is impossible, because in strict constitutional theory the three functions of government are derived from the Crown.[21] The Crown has always been an element in the exercise of all three kinds of powers, namely the executive, legislature and judiciary.[22] There is not, and never has been, a strict separation of powers in the English constitution in the sense that the legislative, executive and judicial powers are assigned respectively to different organs, nor have checks and balances between them been devised as a result of theoretical analysis.[23] There is clear overlap between the three organs of government in the United Kingdom both in terms of personnel and between functions. The principal overlaps in personnel are that the majority of government ministers will be members of the House of Commons, while other ministers will have seat in the House of Lords. The Lord Chancellor presided over the House of Lords prior to the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 in its legislative capacity. He was also the head of the judiciary and a cabinet minister. However, by virtue of Part 2 of the Act, the Lord Chancellor ceases to be a member of the judiciary and loses the judicial functions traditionally associated with the office. Future Lord Chancellors may be drawn from either the House of Lords or the House of Commons.[24] The principal overlap in functions are that government ministers direct the activities of central government departments and, as it has been alleged, through their majority in the House of Commons exert a controlling influence over its timetable, business and legislative output.[25] The Law Lords exercise both judicial and legislative functions, although this dual rate will end when the Supreme Court is established. The Lord Chancellor will continue to be involved in the process of judicial appointment, notwithstanding that his judicial functions were removed by the 2005 Act.[26] The Home Secretary exercises the prerogative of mercy, and the Attorney General may enter a nolle prosequi to a prosecution on indictment.[27] In R. v Home Secretary ex. p Fire Brigades Union[28], Lord Mustill referred to the ‘peculiarly British conception of the separation of powers that Parliament, the executive and the courts each have their distinct and largely exclusive domain.’[29] Most writers on constitutional law unanimously agree that separation of powers is not a feature of the British Constitution. W.A Robson, likened Montesquieu’s doctrine to ‘a rickety chariot’ and claimed that, ‘’ †¦the division of powers enunciated in this theory, and their allocation to separate branches of the government has at no period of history borne a close relation to the actual grouping of authority under the system of government obtaining in England’’.[30] In Halsbury’s Laws of England, Sir William Holdsworth denied that the doctrine of separation of powers had ever ‘to any great extent corresponded with the facts of England’.[31] S.A de Smith equa lly towed the line of other writers, arguing that the doctrine has no place in the British constitution. In his textbook on Constitutional and Administration law, he wrote, ‘’No writer of repute would claim that it is a central feature of the modern British constitution’’.[32] The doctrine of separation of power is susceptible to a variety of meanings. There appears to be a consensus amongst academics that , the doctrine is not a central feature of British constitution and that a strict separation of powers is impossible in the United Kingdom, however some leading judges seem to have an opposite view. What the judges seem to have in mind is a version of the doctrine, which would require that the persons who exercise one kind of governmental function should not also exercise another.[33] Conclusion There is no absolute separation of powers in the United Kingdom. The Crown has always been a part in the exercise of all three kinds of powers, namely the executive, legislature and judiciary. There has never has been, a strict separation of powers in the English constitution in the sense that the legislative, executive and judicial powers are assigned respectively to different organs. There is clear overlap between the three organs of government in the United Kingdom both in terms of personnel and their functions. There are substantial and not merely trivial links between the legislature and the executive, however, this does not mean that the separation of powers doctrine has been without effect.[34] The doctrine of separation of powers, no doubt has shaped our constitutional arrangements and thinking, and continues to do so.[35] The doctrine is not absolute in the United Kingdom; nevertheless, it should not be dismissed lightly. Bibliography Alder, J (2005) Constitutional and Administrative Law, 5th Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, London Barnett, H (2006) Constitutional and Administrative Law, 6th Edition, Routledge-Cavendish, Oxon Bradley, A.W Ewing, K.D (2007) Constitutional and Administrative Law, 14th Edition, Pearson, Harlow. Carroll, A (2007) Constitutional and Administrative Law, 4th Edition, Pearson, Harlow Marston, J Ward, R (1997) Cases Commentary on Constitutional and Administrative Law, 4h Edition, Pitman, London Munro, C.R (2005) Studies in Constitutional Law, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford Parpworth, N (2006) Constitutional and Administrative Law, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford Phillips, O.H Jackson (2001) Constitutional and Administrative Law, 8th Edition, Sweet Maxwell, London Pollard, D, Parpworth N, Hughes, D (2001) Constitutional and Administrative Law, 3rd Edition, Butterworths, London Thompson, B (1997) Constitutional and Administrative Law, 3rd Edition, Blackstone, London. 1 Footnotes [1] Munro, C. R (2005) p.295 [2] Martson, J Ward, R (1997) p.219 [3] Alder, J (2005)p.145 [4] Alder, J (2005)p.145 [5] Landauer, J Rowlands, J (2001) [6] L’Espirit des Lois, 1748 citied in Carroll (2007) p.37 [7] Second Treatise of Civil Government, 1690, citied in Carroll (2007) p.37 [8] Marstson, J Ward, R (ibid) p.219 [9] Munro, C. R (2005) p.295artso [10]Munro, C.R (ibid) p.298 [11] Munro, C. R (ibid) p.296 [12] Munro, C. R (ibid) p.296 [13] Remarks on the History of England (1743) p.84 cited in Munro, C. R (ibid) p.299 [14] the Craftsman 27 June 1730 cited in Munro, C. R (ibid) p.298 [15] Alder, J (2005)p.150 [16] Duport Steels Ltd v Sirs (1980) 1 ALL ER 529 at p.541 [17] R v HM Treasury, ex p Smedley (1985) QB 657 at p.666 quoted in Munro, C. R (ibid) p.306 [18] (1986) AC 240 citied in Munro, C. R (ibid) p.307 [19] (1994)1AC 377 at 396 [20] Alder, J (2005)p.150 [21] Marstson, J Ward, R (ibid) p.219 [22] Jackson Leopold (2001)p.26 [23] Jackson Leopold (2001)p.26 [24] Carroll (ibid) p.38-43 [25] Carroll (ibid) p.39 [26] Carroll (ibid) p.39 [27] Jackson Leopold (2001)p.26 [28] (1995) 2 AC 513 [29] (1995) 2 AC 513 at p.567 [30] W.A Robson (1951) p.16 cited in Munro, C. R (ibid) p.304 [31] Halsbury’s Law of England (1932) p.385 Munro, C. R (ibid) p.304 [32] SA de Smith R Brazier (1998)p.18 citied in Munro, C. R (ibid) p.305 [33] Munro, C. R (ibid) p.307 [34] Munro, C. R (ibid) p.329 [35] Munro, C. R (ibid) p.332

Friday, September 20, 2019

My Lai Massacre :: essays papers

My Lai On March 16, 1968, "Charlie Company" was sent into a small Viet Cong village called (by the U.S.) My Lai 4. Their instructions by commanding officers were: "... kill every man, woman, child and animal in the village. Burn all the homes .... nothing should be walking, growing or crawling." Orders were followed, and as I read the first 65 pages of this book, I was exposed to the detailed death of 306 civilians, mostly women, small children, and old people. There was no threat to any American GIs ... there were no Viet Cong Solders in the area. I read of the rape of a 14 year old girl by twenty GIs ... in front of the parents. They were all shot after the GIs were "done with their business." This was only one of many. Most of the murders were conducted, BY ORDER OF OFFICERS, to round-up the families from their homes, forced into ditches, and shot. Women dove to cover their children. Later, children just old enough to walk crawled out from under their mutilated mothers' bodies, only to be shot as target practice by the GIs. It is later estimated that approximately 500 civilians were murdered, and (probably) no VC were in the area. I could go into detail about the killing. However, most of the book was devoted to the time before the massacre, and afterward. The officers and GIs of "Charlie Company" were introduced in the beginning of the book: the officers had been social outcasts all their life (LT. Calley & Medina). Both had decided to devote their life to the military. The GIs were selected for "Charlie Company" specifically because they had all scored too low on the initial exam to be put into a regular battalions. After the massacre, nothing was done. As a matter of fact, "Charlie Company" was praised for having the "most kills" in one day. By late 1969, most of the GIs in Charlie Company were civilians again, and a few began to tell what they had seen (and participated in). A Government Investigation was called against Lt. Calley (who ordered, and participated in the murders). Some of the photographs from the massacre were published. You wouldn't believe what the civilian response was! The overwhelming public response was to drop the charges; they thought that there was nothing wrong with the massacre, OR they didn't believe it really happened. As a matter of fact, Lt. Calley had become a hero as an AMERICAN! There was a hugely-supported